An initiatory journey from wounded girl to integrated, empowered – woman.

December 3 – 31

Hi beloved, welcome -

I AM WOMAN is a five week somatic embodiment journey designed to guide you onto the initiatory journey of healing your inner wounded girl, & restoring your innate - mature, feminine essence.

What would your life be like if you..

..woke up and felt at home in your body, liberated in your self expression & confident in who you are as a woman


You AWAKENED your feminine creative power, & lived your life from a place of embodied confidence & inner wholeness.

You RECLAIMED your organic template by no longer being trapped in a consumerative system and become unapologetically honouring of your sacred body, through every choice you made.

You RE-ATTUNED to your body’s innate wisdom and your womb’s intuitive power as your creative energy is freed & re-ignited allowing you to birth your heart’s projects to life

You FELT liberated in your sensual power.

You UNDERSTOOD what it means to embody your Sovereign Wholeness as a woman, no longer trapped by your feminine shadows that are blocking true connection & intimacy from your life.

You HELD a deep sense of Self OF WHO YOU ARE, and why you are here.

You REVIVED your feminine flames and creative fire from deep within your belly (womb) and started living your life as your rawest, most authentic self without fear of judgement, abandon or rejection



Feeling rested, nourished and HELD by Life

No longer living from your wounded, hyper masculine energy and finally softened into your true feminine receivership

Creating and sharing your gifts from a place of passion, intentionality & ease

No longer feel controlled or manipulated by a system fighting to keep you small

No longer feeling afraid to speak your truth, be yourself & ask for what you desire

Imagine beloved sister..

Feeling a sense of rooted, inner knowing in who you are as a woman

Walking the Earth, rooted in your organic purpose & innate life mission, allowing your unique medicine to bless all those who come across you

Living your most natural life, free of toxins, chemicals and poisons that are harming your body & blocking your life force energy from flourishing

Being a woman restored in your true Wealth Template 

Being an inspiration for women to rise in their own truth & be restored in their power

If you desire all of this there is no coincidence you are here with me, reading this..

The temple doors are open

Guiding you home into Sovereign Wholeness is my superpower.

This five week immersion that has been 13 months in the making deep inside my womb – is for you, the woman who.. 

Yearns to come to a place of true wholeness within herself

Longs to feel HELD, supported & nourished by life, & God

Desires to awaken her feminine superpower and become walking medicine to those around her

Feels the call to reclaim her body, sexual power, life & true wealth template

Seeks to know HERSELF & restore her life purpose & sacred LEGACY 

Is here to break the chains of feminine energy enslavement & liberate herself from false fear based programs aimed at keeping her feeling small, unvalued & restless



Our Journey


Welcome to the Temple of Restoration beloved, 

Each door carries a unique energetic signature and is a gateway that brings you onto 3 unique paths that ignite an inner, feminine flame within you.

Let’s take a  deeper look..

Week One

Initiatory Journey – The Mind


As you open the [inner] DOOR OF REMEMBRANCE, you are invited to drop your masks and all past notions of your previous sel & embark on a journey into the Subconscious MIND, to uncover, unveil & RECLAIM your Creative Imagining Power and cleanse, clear & purify the mind control, fear based patterns & programs that have kept you caged inside the beliefs that you are not worthy or able to embody true feminine Power in all areas of your life. This first door is designed to lead you onto three unique paths.


The path of  SELF AWARENESS that is intentionally crafted to REMIND who you TRULY are.

Second, you will embark on the path of RECOGNITION that invites you into becoming the High Observer of your life and recognize each pattern that has played out in your life until now, bringing you out of victim energy and into self empowerment & the third path, the Path of SACRED HUMILITY where you come humbly before God’s loving embrace and OPEN to LOVE, TRUTH & PROVISION, as you ignite your INNER FLAME OF EMBODIED SIMPLICITY.

Week Two 

Initiatory Journey – The Body


This week you are opening the door of RECLAMATION


How can we walk the Earth without having reclaimed our sacred temple/body from a system intelligently designed to keep us small, forgetful, fearful, unworthy and poisoned – a system that knows our true power, yet fights to keep it dormant? Until we rise above it, awaken from it & RECLAIM our temples to original, organic essence we cannot be truly free.


This door AWAKENS the FLAME OF YOUR FEMININE RADIANCE, and re-attunes you to the power of your WOMB’S wisdom through opening you to the 3 paths of: Observation, Sacred Responsibility & Aligned Action.


Week Three 

Initiatory journey – The Heart


During your third week, you are invited into the devotional journey of OPENING your HEART to Life, God & Union. You will embark on journey of DE-ARMOURING your Heart Walls that are blocking your connection to God, true financial provision & loving embrace of your beloved masculine.  

The door of RENEWAL welcomes you onto the 3 paths of: FEMININE DEVOTION, SACRED SURRENDER, & TRUE ATTUNEMENT TO GOD, through the portal of your Heart.

This door is designed to and RENEW your connection to yourself, and to all that is real, pure & innocent, igniting within you the FLAME OF SOVEREIGN WHOLENESS  & embodied Inner Union.

Week Four

Initiatory Journey – The Soul


As a woman, your Soul holds your innate, original organic, blueprint that is pure, raw, infinite & eternal. Inside your organic blueprint rests your TRUE Wealth Template & your Energetic Financial Holding capacity. In order to re-access this beautiful WELL OF PROVISION  you – are asked to DESCEND into your inner Feminine Shadows that are blocking your connection to the Source of this living Water, creativity & receptivity within you. 

During week four, you will reveal which feminine shadows are blocking your ABUNDANCE & enter the 3 paths of: Radical HONESTY, REVERENCE, Sacred Financial Responsibility.

Upon completion of the 3 paths, this door will ignite within you, the FLAME OF REVELATION, making clear & re-establishing your Soul’s purpose & FEMININE GIFTS / SUPERPOWERS.


Week Five 

Initiatory Journey – The Womb


We arrive at the final stage in your journey. Here –  you are being REBIRTHED into your highest, most embodied essence as a woman.

Your womb is a place of Creation & Love. As you enter your final door – and step bravely onto the paths of: DIVINE COMMUNICATION, RECONCILIATION & RESTORATION – to be made ANEW. One final mystery initiation awaits you. Will you say yes? 


This final door ignites within you the FLAME OF SEXUAL LIBERATION, sensual embodiment & feminine expression – as your womb’s innate wisdom is restored & awakened.

At last, Home to yourself. Restored.

In your Truth, in your body – in Your Feminine Radiance. A woman of true Worth, value & Power, no longer playing small, hiding or feeling lost. 

Who will I be - upon the completion of this immersion?


Remember - you are hard to control when you are healthy. you hard to manipulate when you know who you are. You are hard to influence when you're sovereign.

About your guide..

I’m Andrada Isharah,

I have dedicated the last seven years to mentoring & guiding women to restore their lives, RECLAIM their body, health and return to a natural, & organic way of living.

My devotion lays in guiding women to heal, awaken and utilize the Sacred Force of their feminine flame.

So what is Organic Life Restoration?

It is the journey that returns a woman back Home into her true, raw, empowered essence. 

When we embark on a restoration journey we re-attune to the core of who we are and begin to shed all that we are not. This is deeply devotional journey that invites into the highest integrity to self and offers us the key to inner liberation. 

What if..

Now was the time you finally listened to call of your womb – and restored all that was meant to be yours in this life & in a way that is gentle yet powerful, soft yet transforming, What if..there was no greater time than NOW?  

My intention is not to convince you

My intention is that you feel a deep inner CALL, to return to that sacred space of love, grace & abundance – that rests within you. A call you can no longer ignore & brush aside. This is a journey of willingful DEVOTION. My role, is to invite you to lean in on this life restoration journey with me. Your role – is to look within and ask yourself: Is this what I need? Is this what i’ve been calling in?

your journey home

Our 30 day immersion includes:

  • 5 Live Sessions every Sunday, at 10 am EST x 5 Weeks
  • Daily Embodiment Practices Inside the Private Group Container
  • 5 Life Restoration Protocols
  • Feminine Arts Embodiment Teachings
  • One 1:1 Private Mentorship Call with Andrada
  • Lifetime access to I AM WOMAN SANCTUM

You will have access to replays and all material for three months post our live journey together.

Immersion price

Option One
555 uSD

Full Five week Immersion

Option two
1,444 uSD

Full five week immersion & Three Private 1:1 Mentorship Sessions with andrada

Loving words from women clients..


If you are purchasing an Online Program, Ceremony. Workshop or Private 1:1 Mentoring Journey and have sovereignly agreed to pay the required amount, you are responsible for the amount you agreed to. In order to honour and protect the offering agreements between both client and guide, there are no refunds available for ongoing, live programs. If you change your mind about attending a future immersion, or program there is a 90 % refund available when requested at least 12 days prior to start date.